Thermistor Dependant Circuit
This tutorials covers the following topics;
- Applying an analogue input into the PICAXE
- Operating simple outputs
This tutorial covers analogue inputs into the PICAXE and using that as a multistage controller. The circuit uses a thermistor to monitor room temperature and act according. The system can be configured to either simply indicate on a 3 stage indicator setup what temperature range the temperature is in (too hot, too cold, or right temp) or the system can be configured to actively attempt to control the surronding temperature through heaters or fans etc.
On the left is the 100K negative temperature coefficient thermistor that is used in this circuit. A negative coefficient temperature thermistor is one that decreases its resistance as the temperature rises.
The picture on the right is of the 3 LEDs used as the indicators. The one with the clear casing is blue.
Whats required for the tutorial;
- Battery Pack
- PICAXE 18X developer board with PICAXE 18X
- 2 LEDs
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